

来源:sc115.com | 107 次浏览 | 2009-08-12

标签: 个人 to this and the of in paint

Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Age: 29 Gender: m
Sign-up Date: 2004-09-28 Country: Norway (Currently living in Greece)
Homepage: www.henningludvigsen.com
Influences: I tend to find myself browsing through boris?online gallery, but inspiration usually pops up during any wierd situation. I prefer painting simple compositions, and focus on use of colors and whatever comes into my mind at the moment of creation. Music is also a big source of inspiration to me...
Style: High fantasy, naturalistic.



"As I am currently working on a really time consuming painting, I need to break up my work by making some fast ones as well. I made this one in approx. 6-7 hours. I had this idea for quite some time, and I wanted to make a portrait of a friend and colleague of mine named Ricki. I love painting rough portraits like this, and might continue doing this with several of my friends. Good practice, and great fun! Painted from scratch using Photoshop with a Wacom tablet.

See the process of making this painting here:





"The wrapture"

"I got this idea from a roleplaying session I had a couple of months ago. I磍l leave the story for you to decide and speculate
Painted from scratch using Photoshop with an Art Pad during 4 evenings. Thanks alot to my girlfriend Natascha for posing for me on this painting as well. Having a good reference makes the job alot easier. The original painting is 2862 x 3434 pixels in size. I was experimenting on using more sharp brushes on this painting, and I will continue developing in this direction, I think. "

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